One of the most confounding questions—before and after the pandemic—countless of us struggle to answer continues to be:
How do we define happiness?
The vast number of books, articles, and YouTube videos devoted to this topic cause even more hand-wringing and confusion:
- Why can’t I be like that person?
- They make it look so easy!
- Well, if I had that (fill in what’s lacking) in my life, I’d be happy!
- I’ll be happy once I get through this stage of my life!
Search no more.
The following definition, courtesy of happiness expert Shawn Achor, is realistic, actionable and makes complete sense … to me.
Shawn, my fellow keynote presenter at a leadership conference, absolutely nailed the definition of Happiness. During his segment, Shawn shared the following:
“Happiness is the joy you feel moving towards your potential.”
Brilliant. Happiness is not short-lived pleasure, it’s a journey.
Based upon Shawn’s definition, we can feel joy even during non-pleasurable times;
- The muscle-burn we get while running or exercising isn’t pleasurable in the moment, yet we know the long-term benefits so we focus on the process … the journey.
- Refraining from indulging in that decadent dessert might be painful in the moment, yet we know the long-term benefits so we focus on the process … the journey.
- Providing “tough love” feedback to a friend, colleague, or family member is never easy, yet we know the long-term benefits so we focus on the process … the journey.
Focusing on a better future-state—our potential—instead of fleeting discomfort, can paradoxically sprinkle happiness into some of our most difficult life journeys.
What potential are you pursuing?